Monday, December 13, 2010


So I came aught a grocery as is it palabros supply sen,
that means profanity in essence bad words,
pursuit ends for liabilities in course cum curse,
it gives provision, same catering to waterworks,
those funds, in fountains on aqueduct purveyance,
sue eyes unknown because of its teardrops,
dice minge cubes profession trade an market,
purse huyz lends fornicate bills, it yes resource if occurs,...
ix gifts procession came cuttering un, what a world!
dose funk sin found aim son abducted poor spare.

Then again, out of context blamed into thou like puny bulge,
a vulgar vocal to say package, it sounds cute between legs yours,
loop an obscene and boor scatology, wur (tribe) to wear rug raw,
ruw (vicinity) looms ill when it comes instants old too,
and tradition of dirt ribaldry romp odd habits or ent get customs;
send a game, autocontempt, blain dean sore equals phony cult,
a bull (edict) gar (compel) tone, tux aid lack in gage (measure),...
...insole cub, egg win let's tour!
luck and off scene, an both escape, logic wor (Misaligned, disarrange),...
too weird order jaw...
job to row (alignment, arrange) loan, silt went comb sync dance couture,
I'm transition, track girt to radicality, wrong vogue bites, RU (ruthenium), RH (Rodio), roentgen tombs.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Knowing that everything what you define is objected, because the mere description is the only goal, we are going to try to focus in the word truth, something certain will be if in conformity it goes with the rest of the science, or probably apparency as coherence has with the language that sustains it, if account, conformity of the thing tries to use as usefulness the persons with validity and equal concept that of it admits, the certainty of the favorite matter for its quality, of a little real existence, that phenomenon that fits with the material reality, the criterion that should counter laugh to the falsehood, for it`s indubitable clarity, the declarations, proof and tests that support it, in redundancy mere declarative would steady itself that:

What is arranges to the system of rules, in consensus pre-established, the proposition that works in the practice, to certain limitations is subject, in eyes of opposing evidences doubt is not born, still having the one who it contradicts its value does not refute, sentences whose clarity sows the good seed, the nature of its beautiful situation, in the maximum hierarchy of the facts it is a delight to the aesthetics, it is an objective justice its premise, the conflict is solved and the paradox is dissolved, as your senses allow to understand it, only it comes from the being and for it will confirms what from it is expected, in mind its logical structure inclines to the reason that is respected (for knowledge or belief), is a racionalist and idealistic aspiration of the life; this way it be the truth to that in your existence you surrender, not formal, opposed to the essence.


Sabiendo que todo lo que definas se objeta, porque la mera descripción es la única meta, vamos a tratar de focalizarnos en la palabra verdad, algo cierto será si en concordancia va con el resto de la ciencia, o al parecer quizá tenga coherencia con el lenguaje que la sustenta, si pretende servir de utilidad a las personas con validez cuenta, conformidad de la cosa con igual concepto que de ella se admita, la certeza de lo predilecto por su cualidad, de algo existencia real, aquel fenómeno que se adecúa con la realidad material, el criterio que contraría a la falsedad, por su indubitable claridad, las declaraciones y pruebas que la sostengan, en redundancia mero declarativa se afirmaría que:

Lo que ordena el sístema de reglas, en consenso se preestablezca, la proposición que funciona en la práctica, a ciertas limitaciones está sujeta, contraponiendo evidencias no nazca duda, aún habiendo quien la contrarie su valor no refuta, sentencia cuya claridad siembre la semilla buena, la naturaleza de su situación bella, en la máxima jerarquía de los hechos es un deleite a la estética, sea justicia objetiva su premisa, el conflicto se resuelva y la paradoja sea disuelta, tal como tus sentidos permitan comprenderla, sólo viene del ser y por ello confirma lo que de ella se espera, en mente su estructura lógica inclina a la razón que se respeta (por conocimiento o creencia), es una aspiración racionalista e idealista de la vida; así será la verdad a la que en tu existencia te sometas, no la formal a lo esencial opuesta.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sutura laberinto

Juste tioneo marcó treta sutura pará erigir, pilar plante conglomerado natura auto bance table, baul baluarte instala esquema espontaneo drede nato, encripta condición latente forme alea presto resuelva, colar quisque peculó atesora fortuna dé abundancia tras exi labra arxó elix tropo dromo, ápice consume más rutina corpore ortó módelo, parán en casto rumbo porqué comunidad señe, manera especie nexo complejo granza estable tende, sirve entero cum padrón censo patrón albor, ducto nimbo nebula aster teter tara tabuco, ten tacó ayudé mutuó simbiosis sepa obra, cómo iso culco culta, cofta corve crecer, ion mol iose ton cadena roge eslabón, gira eido bal cuad mote virú tile, laberinto indeciso soporte es mejor coce haz, no fácil nada fue jamás lesa trate, cabo vale nuta evo eure rotó cere, etno rayé eto pale mena ribe poló, sum logo parsí euco lego cleú patró, puero rol oló pide teo loa tax, eude case tejo prez tin mate ras, ora eufó dial nito diapre cifra doja, capá susó sin crono coreo tipla gospel, ciso trazó calca letra carné compón pose, coso nivel recua rate alcance fardo numeo, tenor medíó urde fale finó riz aspa, afte guisa sonar rad ecte cale, foe magno rango instala jauría, familia divisa facción; medique soma arreglo procesó inquieto interpele repuesto, pará entender dis confección textura gracio code.